Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Commemorating a Little Boy

This delightful little pendant was custom made to commemorate the coming of a little boy.  It is pierced entirely by hand out of 18k yellow gold. All the edges were smoothed and rounded, to give a nice flowing look.

Monday, December 5, 2011

My new website - come and visit!

Things are looking a bit dusty in the blog lately. I can't believe I haven't been around for 2 months! First, my computer died (RIP, dear one), the replacement took 2 weeks to arrive (agh! But welcome, new computer), then sales, my parents are moving from a different state, and and and... Everything piled up, as life sometimes does.

But the biggest time drain is also one of the most excitings: I have a new jewelry site! It is all mine, I can do a lot more with it and it is new and shining. Please drop by and visit me: I am strangely excited by the fact that I now have my own domain, with my own name.

I know I owe a couple of posts on talent (and there are some very interesting comments to answer, from the first post). I promise I will get back to this topic as soon as life has quieted down a bit.